MASS Coalition - Save Limbs, Preserve Lives

Make your voice heard by February 2025Save Limbs, Preserve Lives

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Americans have diabetes

01234567890                                         i                     n                     01234567890

are Medicare beneficiaries

0123456789001234567890                     %

will develop a
“diabetic foot ulcer”

0123456789001234567890                     %

will require some
form of amputation

Stop Medicare From Limiting Access To Life-And-Limb-Saving Wound Care Therapy

Make your voice heard – Write to congress today
Advocacy Efforts

What is Medicare Proposing

Thanks to the influence of Medicare Administrative Contractors, Medicare is set to drastically limit access to life-and-limb saving wound care therapy. This decision would put millions of Americans at risk of infection, amputation and death by limiting available skin substitute therapy for chronic wound care.

Take Action

Time is of the essence. SAVE lives by letting Congress know they must intervene. Join the fight today and help put an end to politicizing personal care for diabetic Americans. After all, access to wound care therapy isn't political - it's personal.
What You Can Do to Stop Medicare From Limiting Your Wound Care Therapy
  • Tell Congress to oppose this decision and intervene​
  • Share this website and encourage your friends and family to do the same
  • Share your story with us and with your community​

It has been a long process. My great toe is finally healing. Pain is very minimal. I remember I used to dread the day that my wound provider would be coming because of the excruciating pain that I used to have. Now I look forward to seeing my provider once a week.


The wounds on both of my legs have been there for a very long time. My provider was able to heal the right leg with the skin grafts and her dedication to treating the wounds. I was unable to lift my legs without feeling great pain. Now my pain is manageable. Her enthusiasm and teaching go a long way. I recommend skin grafts.


I was very skeptical regarding the skin grafts. I’ve been dealing with my wounds for a long time, and I am finally seeing progress in the right direction. The skin grafts have helped me with pain and the healing process. I do recommend the grafts and I will continue with the treatment. It’s nice that the provider can come to my house because it is challenging for me to leave my home. She has experience and is very knowledgeable.


Skin substitutes represent an opportunity to curb that alarming rate of mortality among U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, improve health-related quality of life, and reduce Medicare expenditures… this LCD would ignore the robust clinical evidence-base that we and other researchers have spent years building to promote advanced therapies for patients with chronic wounds to live longer, healthier lives.


While, well meaning, the LCD as written forces providers to commit medical
malpractice as the LCD does not conform to current standards of care.
